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Welcome to our SPRINT COST Action Internal Meetings page

where you can find meeting agendas, minutes, and annexes. 

First MC Meeting

Brussels, Belgium

October 16, 2018

  1. MC1 Meeting minutes

  2. MC1 Meeting Agenda

  3. Cost Action CA17116 Fact Sheet

  4. MC Meeting Attendance List

  5. SO and AO Presentations

  6. COST Head of Communications Presentation

  7. Rules of Procedure for COST Action MCs

  8. MC Chair Presentation

First General Action, Second MC Meeting, WG Meetings

Rome, Italy 

January 8-10, 2019

  1. MC2 Meeting minutes

  2. MC2 Meeting Agenda

  3. MC Meeting Attendance List

  4. SO update

  5. AO update

  6. Financial Officer Presentation

  7. STSM Coordinator Presentation

  8. MC Chair Presentation

WG Meetings, Database Meeting

Brussels, Belgium

February 11-12, 2019

  1. Meeting Agenda

   Database Expert Presentations:

   2. Dr. Angel Esteban-Gil

   3. Dr. Pedro Silva Couto

   4. Dr. Brane Leskosek

   5. Dr. An Hendrix

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